Free Technology for Teachers - 3 new articles

One of the questions we answered during this afternoon's session of Two Ed Tech Guys Take Questions was, "I want to be able to translate my class discussions into Spanish in real-time and project that to a small group of students in my music class that ...

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"Free Technology for Teachers" - 3 new articles

  1. How to Create Live, Subtitled Translations of Presentations
  2. Take a Look at Your Google Docs Activity Dashboard
  3. How to Create Multimedia Maps in Padlet
  4. More Recent Articles

How to Create Live, Subtitled Translations of Presentations

One of the questions we answered during this afternoon's session of Two Ed Tech Guys Take Questions was, "I want to be able to translate my class discussions into Spanish in real-time and project that to a small group of students in my music class that do not speak English. Is that possible?" The answer is yes, that is possible. The way to do that is to use an often overlooked feature of PowerPoint. 

The web browser version of PowerPoint has a built-in subtitle and translation feaure. To use it you simply choose the language that you are speaking in and choose the language in which you want subtitles to appear. With this feature enable it's possible for me to speak in English and my subtitles to appear in Spanish, French, Icelandic, or dozens of other languages. 

In this video I demonstrate how to generate live, translated subtitles for your PowerPoint presentations.


Take a Look at Your Google Docs Activity Dashboard

The activity dashboard is one of the "hidden" or overlooked features of Google Docs that I use on a fairly regular basis. It's a handy little feature to use whenever you're sharing a document, but is particularly useful when sharing with more than one other person. Through the activity dashboard you can see who the document is shared with, who has viewed it, how many times it has been viewed, how many comments have been added, and you can review the privacy settings for your document. 

In this short video I demonstrate how to access the activity dashboard in Google Docs. 


Applications for Education
The activity dashboard in Google Docs can be helpful to get a sense of how your shared documents are being used within your school or department. For example, I'll use it to see trends in how often and when documents that I share with my department are access. It's also helpful for quickly tracking revisions to collaboratively edited documents.

It's important to note that this option is only available to Google Workspace users and not available to consumer (Gmail-based) accounts.

How to Create Multimedia Maps in Padlet

Padlet is one of the most versatile ed tech tools you can put in your digital toolbox. Creating multimedia maps is one of the many things that you can do with Padlet. In fact, there are two ways that you can create multimedia maps in Padlet. The first method is to use the built-in base maps option in Padlet and then add multimedia placemarks on the map. The second option is to upload an image of map and then add multimedia placemarks to it. In this new video I demonstrate both methods. 


Applications for Education
Next week is Geography Awareness Week. Creating multimedia maps in Padlet could be a good way to help students develop an understanding of where places are relative to each other. For a little deeper lesson on geography awareness, give students a list of places to locate and then list in the placemarks aspects of the five themes of geography for each place.

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