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Here's why you should consider wearing the same cloth every day

Posted: 25 Dec 2021 01:30 AM PST

We spend a significant amount of time thinking of the clothes to wear.

We think of the best outfits to wear to work, to a date, church, work out.

All of these events have the most appropriate clothes for them, and then we have to think of colour coordination and if the outfits go together or what shoes to wear with them.

There is a reason many successful people choose to wear one cloth in one colour every single day. Obviously, it is not the same cloth but the same kind of cloth. It is called a minimalist wardrobe.

Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, Albert Einstein and many other famous people stick to a uniform theme.

Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook now Meta, wears a variation of the same grey shirt every day.

Jobs, the founder of Apple, wore a black turtleneck, jeans and new balance sneakers every day.

Obama, former President of the United States was known for wearing either blue or black suits. Here is why Zuckerberg always wears one type of shirt every day.

"I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community."

"There's actually a bunch of psychology theory that even making small decisions, around what you wear or what you eat for breakfast or things like that, they kind of make you tired and consume your energy."

Sometimes, we experience decision making fatigue from making too many decisions like what to eat and what to wear and wearing just one kind of cloth relieves us.

"No matter how rational and high-minded you try to be, you can't make decision after decision without paying a biological price."

"It's different from ordinary physical fatigue. You're not consciously aware of being tired – but you're low on mental energy."

Also, wearing one type of cloth makes you become a fashion icon. You become known with one particular outfit thus becoming iconic in your own way.

Here are some secret love languages every couple needs to keep in mind

Posted: 25 Dec 2021 01:00 AM PST

You may show your love for your partner everyday you're together, but do you take the time to make sure you're communicating it in the way your partner prefers? When two partners speak different love languages, even love can get lost in translation.

Not everyone expresses love in the same way, and not everyone prefers to receive love in the same way. In his book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret To Love That Lasts, Gary Chapman coined the term "love languages" which describes these five distinct ways of communicating love.

Word of affirmation
People who value verbal acknowledgements of affection, such as frequent "I love you" compliments, words of appreciation, verbal encouragement, and often frequent digital communication such as texting and social media engagement, value words of affirmation as a love language.

These people value written and spoken expressions of affection the most. They feel understood and appreciated when they hear these expressions.

2.Quality time

When their partner actively wants to spend time with them and is always down to hang out, people whose love language is quality time feel the most adored. They adore it when active listening, eye contact, and complete presence are emphasized in the relationship.

People who speak this love language expect that your whole attention is on them. That means, no TV distractions, no phone notifications, or even work interruptions. They value spending time with their partner, whether by having meaningful conversations, or just performing some activities together.

3.Acts of service

If acts of service are your love language, you appreciate it when your partner goes out of their way to make your life easier. When you're sick, it's things like bringing your favorite meal, making your coffee in the morning, or picking up your dry cleaning after a long day at work.

People who believe that actions speak louder than words should use this love language. Unlike those that prefer to hear how much their partner loves them, this category of people prefer to see how much they are really loved. These people highly value doing small and large chores to make their lives easier or more comfortable.


Gifts are a simple love language; when people give you "visual symbols of love," as Chapman puts it, you feel loved. It's not about the monetary value of the item, but about the symbolic meaning behind it. This personality type understands and appreciates the gift-giving process, including the careful consideration, the deliberate selection of an object to represent the relationship, and the emotional benefits of receiving the gift.

Receiving gifts is a pleasant experience for people whose love language is physical and meaningful. Giving them meaningful items that reflect their values, not necessarily yours, is the key.

5.Physical touch

Physical signs of affection, such as kissing, holding hands, cuddling, and sex make people who use physical touch as their love language feel loved. For them, touch and physical intimacy can be incredible and serve as a powerful emotional connector.

If given consent, they feel appreciated when hugged, kissed, or cuddled. Physical touch provides them with a feeling of warmth and comfort.

What men need to do to make their women feel better during periods

Posted: 25 Dec 2021 12:30 AM PST

We are still a long way from being a society that deals with menstruation properly, but it is past time to begin the process, and one important step in that direction is teaching our men how to act when their partners are going through periods.

Because our attitudes toward menstruating women are particularly regressive, with a good mix of taboos in our "culture," Nigerian men must go above and beyond to make women feel at ease during their periods.

Before we get into the details, remember this golden rule: it's all about her for those few days. It is all about HER, not about what YOU think or feel. Unless you're convulsing on the floor, she's the one who's having a hard time, not you.

Don't be smug about it

Understand and acknowledge that this is a difficult time. It is indeed as excruciatingly painful as she claims. You can't possibly imagine going through that kind of pain every month, so don't pretend you do. Simply acknowledging that you understand her pain and that you are there for her is a good first step. Don't tell her it's not a big deal; it is for her. And, as a caring partner, you should try to assist.

It's not disgusting, and she's not ill

If you keep watching Game of Thrones after all the bloodletting, you'll become accustomed to a natural process. Stop being disgusted, and reassure her that she isn't disgusting, period or no period. Also, it isn't a disease or illness, so don't treat her that way.

Be nice to her but not patronizing

Be patient and make her feel better. Endure it and move on if she is hyperventilating. Don't be irritated by her nervousness. Pay attention to her, and be courteous, but don't belittle her.

Assist her in every way you can

You should also help her with her chores. Finish work early and avoid social gatherings during this time. Wash her clothes, clean the kitchen, go grocery shopping, cook dinner, and if she asks you to get water from the refrigerator while she relaxes on the couch watching a romantic comedy, just do it. It isn't going to kill you.

Provide her with physical support

Give her a warm hug, and if you have large hands, give her a relaxing massage. A back rub or a foot massage can be extremely beneficial. Allow her to sit on your lap and cuddle if she so desires. Taking her hand in yours could help her feel better.

Do whatever you can to make her feel better

If she requests something, just give it to her. Get her some sanitary napkins and medicines. Book the tickets if she wants to go to the movies, and get the car out as soon as possible if she wants to return halfway. Reserve a table for her if she wants to go out for the evening. Allow her to remain alone in her room if she wishes. Anything she loves, have them at the ready.

Suggest healthy habits, but don't lecture

You can recommend healthy habits such as avoiding junk food and eating a balanced diet, as well as abstaining from intoxicants. But don't make suggestions; she already knows what she wants. If it's a habit you want her to break, wait until her periods are finished.

Make yourself sexually available

This is crucial. Some women become horny during or shortly after their periods. There is a perception that this can be a messy affair; some people believe this, while others do not. No one can make someone have sex, but if she's horny, getting into the sack with her and doing whatever she wants, however she wants it, can be a nice gesture. You can clean it up later if it's a mess. Don't forget to change the sheets when she's finished; it's your responsibility.

Right age for women to get pregnant

Posted: 25 Dec 2021 12:00 AM PST

From birth, we all begin to age. Men go through a parabolic pathway of strength; peaking in their twenties, and rapidly declining from their forties. In contrast, women's aging bodies are a ticking bomb, a reminder that they are quickly losing their ability to get pregnant. So when exactly should women start thinking of getting pregnant?

Although men can reproduce for most of their lives starting from puberty, women have a particular period: from puberty till their fifties. Puberty usually starts at around 12 years old. However, more and more cases of puberty have been recorded from as early as 10 years. That means women can give birth from as early as 10 years old.

Women are born with as many eggs as they'll ever have- a staggering 2 million. This number reduces over the years as they age. By 37, women have about 25000 eggs left, and at 51, just about a thousand are remaining. Yes, that's still a lot of eggs, but the quality of eggs reduces with age. For this reason, your fifties isn't the best age to have children. So when is?

According to experts and some mothers, there isn't an actual age to get married. Not the answer you were expecting, is it? Their reason is that having a child involves many factors despite age, although age is probably the most important. The other factors include emotional and financial readiness. Let's look at some of the pros and cons for the different age groups when considering getting pregnant.


In every Nigerian setting, a teenage mother is frowned upon. But that doesn't deny the fact that your teenage years are the most fertile you'll ever be because you still have a lot of eggs left. What's more, teenage mothers are at a lower weight, so the risk of complications such as hypertension and gestational diabetes are quite unlikely.

However, at this age, women are hardly patient, willing, or knowledgeable enough to carry out the obligations of motherhood. Preeclampsia rates are highest at age extremes, which includes this age group, not to talk of the financial problems to face as they're probably still in school.


In their early twenties, women are still viable for reproduction, with an estimated 25 percent chance each month. They still have all of the pros of the teenage years, but a few of their cons. For starters, some of them may still be struggling financially to pay their school fees and raise their child. And if they have a well-paying job but out of school, they may still face stress trying to couple their job with the weight of carrying an extra human all day long.


Medically, women in this age group have the same pros and cons as the last one. Some women believe that in your mid-twenties, due to societal pressure, you may feel like having another baby after having your first. Why not? You're still young, full of energy.


When you hit your thirties, your fertility drops, but not to a dangerous level. You still have a good chance of getting pregnant each month. But there's a drawback. If you planned on having more children, and you eventually had your first in this age bracket, then you may have to settle for less.

However, in their thirties, women are usually financially ready to have children, especially if they'd been building their careers in their twenties. In that time, they get to explore many opportunities in their careers and know themselves better.


We already know that women's fertility and the quality of their eggs begin to decline as they grow old, substantially at 32 and rapidly at 37. In this age bracket, the chance of successful fertility assistance like the IVF is quite low, and women become more susceptible to various health risks such as diabetes in pregnancy, preeclampsia, hypertension, and chromosomal abnormalities. The only giveaway for this group is the financial stability and emotional capacity to duly carry out activities of motherhood.


By 40, women's chances of conceiving is pretty low at about 5 percent. But that's not all, the medical risks involved can't be overlooked. Women older than 40 suffer high risk to pregnancy complications such as miscarriages, preeclampsia, placenta previa, low birth weight, preterm labor, as well as a high rate of fetal demise. And if the woman already has underlying conditions, then the risks climb higher.

Overall, experts and mothers agree that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when the best age to get pregnant is. Biologically, the answer is most likely in your early twenties, but there are a slew of other factors to consider, many of which vary from person to person.

But in my opinion, your late twenties till your early thirties, that's 26-34, is the best time to get pregnant. Whatever you do, make sure it feels right to you at the time.

What you really need to know about IVF before meeting your doctor

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 11:30 PM PST

If you've been trying to get pregnant for years, and have been searching for solutions, you may probably have heard about in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Yes, the process can be very intimidating, but knowing what's involved would help lessen your anxiety. On that note, here's what to know before visiting your gynecologist.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is probably near the top of your list when it comes to common fertility treatments. There's a reason for that. You've probably heard of IVF, which involves combining egg and sperm outside of the body in a lab. However, both before and after the procedure, there's a lot more to IVF than that. The IVF procedure is divided into five steps.

Boost your egg production through superovulation

According to the National Institutes of Health, you'll be given fertility drugs to start a process known as stimulation — or superovulation (NIH). To put it another way, the drugs, which contain Follicle Stimulating Hormone, will tell your body to produce more than one egg per month. The more eggs you lay, the better your chances of a successful fertilization later in the treatment.

During this stage of the IVF process, you'll have regular transvaginal ultrasounds and blood tests to check on your ovaries and monitor your hormone levels.

Remove the eggs

A hormone injection will be given to you a little more than a day before your eggs are scheduled to be extracted from your body. This will help your eggs mature quickly. Then, via a minor surgical procedure known as follicular aspiration, your eggs would be removed. This procedure is usually carried out as an outpatient procedure in your doctor's office.

Your doctor will use an ultrasound to guide a thin needle into each of your ovaries through the vaginal canal. The needle has a device that suctions the eggs out one at a time. If this sounds painful, don't worry; you'll most likely be given medication beforehand to help you relax. You may experience some cramping afterward, but it should go away within a day, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Collect sperm from your partner or a donor

This next step is quite straightforward. You will bring your partner, or your donor, to the lab to deposit a sperm sample. The sperm are usually washed and concentrated (placing unwashed sperm directly into the uterus can cause severe cramps). Then sperm that are highly active, healthy, and capable of fertilizing an egg are selected.

Unite sperm and eggs

This stage, just as the name suggests, involves fertilizing the egg with sperm. It is also called Insemination.

A thin, flexible tube (catheter) is used to inject sperm into a woman's reproductive tract during an insemination procedure. Insemination can improve the chances of pregnancy for some couples who are struggling with infertility.

If the male partner is sterile, has a low sperm count, or is at risk of genetic disease, donor sperm is used. Donor sperm can also be used by a woman who is trying to conceive without a male partner.

Transfer the embryo(s) into your uterus

You'll be given another medication after your eggs have been collected. This one is for preparing your uterine lining to receive the embryos that will be transferred back into you. Your doctor will use a catheter to place the embryos in your uterus three to five days after fertilization. This part of IVF is done in your doctor's office while you are awake, just like step three.

Multiple embryos are returned to you in the hopes that at least one will implant in the lining of your uterus and develop. Multiple embryos can implant at the same time, which is why multiples are common in IVF patients.

Unfortunately, not everyone can benefit from IVF. Some people get pregnant the first time they try, while others need to try again a few times, and some couples are unable to conceive despite multiple attempts. The success rate of IVF for women using their own eggs was 48 percent for women under the age of 35 and only 3 percent for women over the age of 42, according to a study.

How separation affects your kids

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 11:00 PM PST

Let's talk about a touchy subject: separation. It's unsettling because no one wants to be separated, no child wants to grow up in a separated home, and the consequences of separation can be devastating.

In this piece, we'll discuss the impact of separation on your children.

To begin with, separation can be devastating to a child's education. According to statistics, the chances of children with divorced parents excelling in school are always slim. A parent's abrupt absence, a change of schools, or a sudden relocation might all affect their academic performance.

Additionally, especially if your children are introverts, they may develop irritation and anger issues. This side effect of separation does not appear right away; it takes time to manifest. When a child is separated from his or her parents, he or she may withdraw and isolate oneself. As a result, social awkwardness and other challenges may arise.

Also, it goes without saying that worrying about what their future will be like without both parents at their side can cause a great deal of anxiety for the kids. And this is asides the low self-esteem and zero confidence they tend to develop due to separation.

Because children are so vulnerable during their formative years, they require as much love and care as possible; they must be pumped up and psyched up by both parents. This has a significant impact on their confidence and mental toughness.

As a result, the absence of a parent causes the child to feel abandoned and depressed. You can probably predict how the child's self-esteem would suffer due to this absence. In fact, in some situations, the child may begin to blame himself or herself for the parents' breakup. It's such a depressing way to live.

But it doesn't end there, your child will almost certainly develop a commitment issue. Seeing your once-married parents split up can instill major commitment fear in a child, and as an adult, being married or loving someone might rekindle that fear.

These are the reasons, among other factors, why a few couples choose to stay together even when things aren't going well.

Having said that, staying in an abusive and destructive marriage/relationship is harmful. If leaving your partner will help you regain your tranquility and mental health, then please do so. Just make sure that adequate provisions are made for the children's future.

How to get rid of Loneliness in your marriage

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 10:30 PM PST

When you get married, you think you'll never get a lonely moment in your life again because you have a partner, but that is not always the case. Loneliness affects many couples worldwide, and one partner, especially the woman, can feel emotionally abandoned.

Marriage and loneliness are almost opposites, but loneliness is natural for many couples. You might be wondering why you or your partner feels lonely in your marriage, perhaps the love you shared has started fading, or the connection you once had isn't there anymore. Below are some common causes of loneliness in marriages and how to deal with them.

1. Hectic Schedules

Does one of you come home after the other is asleep or leave before the other wakes up? If so, this can be the primary cause of loneliness in the marriage. Hectic schedules can make you distant from your partner and lose touch with one another. The distance continues to widen as the behavior becomes constant, and it would reach a point when the marriage can't be saved again.

When you and your partner have incompatible schedules, you can wreak havoc on your marital bond, but only if you allow it. Of course, compromise is essential for every relationship, but don't let it come down to whose job is more stressful or essential. Instead, discuss your schedule with your partner so you both can know the next step to take.

2. Fear of Your Spouse

If your partner is physically or emotionally abusive, and you live in fear, you spend a great deal of time avoiding them and living in loneliness. In addition, during the early stage of your marriage, your abusive partner may have isolated you from friends and family, so you may feel like you have no one to turn to. If you are married to an abusive partner, be vocal about it and seek help so it won't affect you.

3. No Sexual Intimacy

Couples that rarely share sexual moments are bound to be lonely. Even little displays of affection like a good morning kiss or a good hug can go a long way in rekindling the love you have for your partner. If you don't get intimate with your partner often, it can cause loneliness and other problems in the long run. Now that you know what's causing your loneliness, start trying to rekindle that sexual flame you once had with your partner.

Here are 4 relationship hacks every woman should be aware of

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 10:00 PM PST

It can be challenging to form personal relationships in this day and age, especially when people do not have time for each other.

 They need to invest a significant amount of energy and time in maintaining relationships. Your partner, friends, and family all need a bit of your time, which can take a toll on you as a woman. This is where shortcuts come in; below are a few relationship hacks every woman should begin to adopt as soon as possible.

1. Be Open
This may seem obvious, but it is a fantastic way to maintain relationships. Being open and honest with everyone in your life about your feelings is a sure way to keep your relationships. It would also make your partner, friends, and family value you. However, honesty makes or breaks relationships, so you need to find a way to efficiently incorporate it in your life.

2. Talk More
Establishing and maintaining a good rapport with the people around you is something that not many people are good at. No matter the amount of work or responsibility you have, make time to converse with the people you love. Yes, digital communication is very prevalent, but nothing beats face to face. It is more personal, and it makes you very trustworthy.

3. Value Yourself and Value Others
Just as all hands aren't equal, no relationship is the same, so there is no universal guide towards successful relationships. Respect your partner and others around you, and show appreciation every day. As soon as you start taking your loved ones for granted, you begin to lose them. Don't act too needy and don't tolerate bad behavior to avoid destructive relationships.

After caring for others in your life, take time to focus on yourself and treat yourself properly. You might think treating yourself properly is not that important, but it is just as essential as caring for those around you. Don't lie to yourself because that is the first step to ruining your other relationships. Instead, create time for the things you love, and you'll see how fulfilled you will feel.

4. Be the Glue
Families have constantly been evolving, and everyone's usually off doing their own thing. Even if your whole family lives under the same roof, building healthy relationships can still be a problem. As a woman, there are a few things you can do to be the glue keeping your family together- insist that everyone eats together, go on vacations and encourage everyone to share how they feel. These measures can go a long

Moderna reveals its booster shot effective against the Omicron variant

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 09:30 PM PST

The vaccine maker has now come out to claim that its vaccines appear to be protective against the new variant.

Moderna Inc, one of the companies responsible for the making of one of the vaccines being used to protect against the coronavirus has now come out to say that its vaccines appear to offer some protection against the fast-spreading Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

The new variant has brought some of the early apprehension about the coronavirus back. With infection rates in countries across the world swelling again and governments struggling to contain it, the promise of effective booster vaccine shots is sure to bring some relief.

The renewed surge of the coronavirus pandemic has seen countries around the world consider lockdown to limit the spread of the virus, with countries like the Netherlands going ahead to implement it. The new variant has been widely claimed to be resistant to the first two doses of the vaccine with some even claiming that booster shots may not be entirely effective in defending against it.

Moderna's chief medical officer, Dr Paul Burton said of the booster in an interview: "It's highly effective, and it's extremely safe. I think it will protect people through the coming holiday period and through these winter months, when we're going to see the most severe pressure of Omicron."

Although the data being presented has not been peer-reviewed yet, this news is sure to lift the company's shares that has been suffering a hit recently.

Merry Christmas And A Prosperous New Year

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 04:42 PM PST

One of the most cherished festivals of the year, Christmas is finally here! 

There's a nip in the air, and people are excited and happy with joy this holiday season. Celebrated on December 25 every year, Christmas marks the birth of Jesus. 

It is celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor by Christians across the world. People clean their homes and decorate it with the customary Christmas tree, with lights, candles, and confetti. With the year coming to an end, it is also a great time to spend quality time with friends and family, reflect upon the year gone by, and cherish the beautiful memories you had together with people.

Keeping the rise in Covid cases in mind, here we share some wishes, messages and literary quotes which you can share with your loved ones this festive season. 


FG Declares 27th, 28th December, 2021 And 3rd January, 2022 Public Holidays

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 04:22 PM PST

The Federal Government has declared Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th December 2021 and Monday, 3rd January 2022 as public holidays to mark Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year's Day celebrations respectively.

Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, who made the declaration on behalf of the Federal Government, felicitates with Christians and all Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora on this year's Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Ogbeni Aregbesola enjoins Christians to practice the doctrines of Christ, which include but not limited to these – faith, hope and love.

"We must emulate the life of Jesus Christ in His practice and teachings on Humility, Service, Compassion, Patience, Peace and Righteousness, that His birth signifies.
This will be the best way to portray Christ and celebrate his birth", he noted.

He emphasizes that peace and security are two critical conditions for economic development and prosperity. He urges Christians and Nigerians to make the best use of this festive period to pray for the total eradication of insecurity bedevilling our dear nation.

Aregbesola strongly charges Nigerians not to be lulled into a false sense of security on COVID-19 pandemic but to note that it is increasingly assuming a very dangerous and harmful dimension with the emergence of a virulent variant, Omicron.

"This calls for deliberate responsibility and discipline on the part of all", the Minister stresses.

The Minister enjoins all to adhere strictly to and observe all the stipulated non-pharmaceutical protocols and guidelines such as wearing of facemasks, frequent washing of hands with soap and water, using of hand sanitizer and avoidance of large groups. Also, he urges quick report to medical authorities of any respiratory illness observed in self and others before, during and after the Yuletide.

Speaking further, the Minister said this Yuletide calls for spartan discipline in order to prevent the spread of the virus in our community and the nation as a whole. Aregbesola says "Moderately celebrate the festival without large groupings and observe all the protocols stipulated by medical authorities. Take it as a point of personal responsibility to prevent the spread of the virus".

The Minister also assures that the Government has put in place effective measures for the security of lives and property and expects Nigerians to support the efforts of security agencies by providing useful information that will assist them in the performance of their duties.

Aregbesola admonishes all citizens to remain focused and expresses confidence that the year 2022 would be a better year for us all. He wishes all Christians in particular a happy Christmas and all Nigerians a peaceful and prosperous New Year celebration.

Dr Shuaib M.L. Belgore
Permanent Secretary

Ooni of Ife’s wife announces end of marriage with monarch – “I did my best to endure and make it work,”

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 08:00 AM PST

The dismal news coming from the Palace of the Ooni of Ife is that the marriage of the first class Yoruba monarch to prophetess Naomi has ended.

On Instagram, Naomi verified the news and clarified a few points.

She said she went into the marriage with love in her heart and a willingness to serve.

According to her, she did her best to "endure" and "smile through the struggles" but she has now decided to leave her three years marriage.

She further stated that her decision to leave is not influenced by the fact that the Ooni of Ife is married to another queen.

She also refuted rumours that she had another child, a daughter.

According to her, the girl is her niece and her son for the king remains the only child she's ever had.

"At this moment, I announce that I shall no longer be referred to as wife to the Ooni of Ife or as Queen of Ile-Ife," she wrote.

This is, however, not the King's first marriage that has ended in a divorce.

She wrote:

"I bless the Lord almighty for His faithfulness in the last 3 years of my marriage. In life's journey, it isn't how far. Still, how well, indeed though satan should buffet if trials should come, I have this blessed assurance controlling all situations and saying to me it is well with my soul. Certainly, it is well. I made my journey into the ancient throne of Ife with faith in my heart and love for the keeper of it.

"Few impressions I would love to correct. If anyone knows otherwise, they are free to come up with facts. Let it be known that this decision to move on did not come because his majesty is married to another queen. As many would love to assume, throughout our life as a couple, I was the only married wife to him. There were side attractions, but it was never an issue.

"I never approached him with any revelation of any sort, as many believed he contacted me first and made his proposal known several months later.
The marriage was not an arranged one, as many have misconstrued. I never knew the prophetess said to have introduced me to him. Instead, he introduced her to me after I agreed to marry him. I was only being polite out of respect for him.

"I have never been pregnant all my life before Tadenikawo; my son is my first ever pregnancy with medical reports to back it up. The girl who is said to be my daughter is my niece. I did my best to endure and make it work; many times, I smiled through the struggle, but I have finally realised I had just one assignment, my son, and when God is done, He is done.

"He chose Saul to be king, and when He was done, He told the prophet Samuel I have moved on. Religion was never an issue between us; please refer to my interview on News Central TV. Instead, His Majesty has a picture he would love the world to see and perceive him as and another one which is his true self.

"Today I announce the beginning of a new dawn and the close of a chapter. Today, I am a mother to God's unique gift. I am no longer a slave to my thoughts of perfection. I, at this moment, announce that I shall no longer be referred to as wife to the Ooni of Ife or as Queen of Ile-Ife but as the Queen of the people and mother of my adorable Prince."

"He is God's way of saying I know about it all. In situations like this, there will be aggrieved persons. I, at this moment, appeal to all parties involved to allow the peace of God with the consciousness that there is a lovely little boy between us. I thank all of my prayer partners and loved ones. I remain committed to all of my projects, charity work and ministry. In this new season, I shall be focusing on God only,"

Lady bought a land for her boyfriend, spoils him with gifts on his birthday

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 07:00 AM PST

Viral video footage captures the moment a lady gifted her boyfriend a plot of land alongside other gift items on his birthday.

In the video, the lady could be seen spraying N200 bills on the dude before handing the document pertaining to the land she acquired to him.

She disclosed in the video that he wanted a land in Ibadan and it seems more like a dream come true. A bundle of N500 notes was also seen on a bed he was lying on.

Watch the video below:

Reacting to this heart-melting display, netizens gave their opinions:

nellynells__ wrote:

"Na who deposit go withdraw"

iam_renny wrote:

"Na she know how much she don collect ..allow her spoil her man"

maro_reigns wrote:

"Don't believe these things that you see on social media oooo"

oladipupo_27 wrote:

"Abeg show us the girl 😂😂 incase"

Chizzy Alichi Slams ‘Womb-Watcher’

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 06:00 AM PST

Nollywood actress, Chigozie Stephanie Alichi popularly known as Chizzy Alichi has responded to a womb-watcher's question on twitter.

The twitter user asked Chizzy Alichi when she will have a baby. Chizzy got married in 2019 and is yet to have kids which must be what probed the question from the twitter user.

The actress wrote:

"When will you get sense nah?"

Recall Chizzy has earlier revealed that she used to be scared of getting married.
Chizzy Alichi who hails from Enugu state, was born December 23,1993. She made headlines when she built a mansion for her parents in 2017.

Chizzy joined Nollywood in 2010 by chance. She randomly joined the 'actors guild of Nigeria', applied for a movie role and got her first shot as an actress in a movie titled magic money.

The turning point of her career came with the film, akaraoku in 2016. The movie poster went viral on social media when people assumed the actress was an akara seller. She has featured in more movies as a result.

Rumours of her alleged relationship with famous Nigerian singer, Flavour N'abania also helped bring her to the spotlight.

Chizzy Alichi starred as a video vixen in Flavour N'abania's 2016 music video titled 'mmege'. Her appearance in the music video stirred rumours that she was dating Flavour. The rumours were later found to be untrue.

Chizzy Alichi is married to Mr Chike Ugochukwu Mbah. The lovebirds got engaged in September 2019 and had both their traditional and white wedding in December of the same year.

The actress frequently flaunts her husband on her social media pages, sharing their loved-up pictures and videos. She even bragged during an interview that nothing can go wrong with her marriage as she did not snatch somebody else's husband. 

Bobrisky Flaunts Gift Items He Got For Family And Friends For Christmas

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 05:00 AM PST

Crossdresser Okuneye Idris Olarenwaju popularly known as Bobrisky has shown off the items she's going to give family and friends as Christmas gifts.

Bobrisky is quick to say she is rich, hangs out with millionaires and is a big spender.

Recall Bobrisky got offended and started dragging Tonto Dikeh when the latter said some celebrities have been living fake lifestyles on the gram.

In the video Bobrisky showed off bags of rice, oil, and some other items that she's giving out to family and friends this festive period and it could be to drive home a point.

This is not the first time Bobrisky will prove she isn't living a fake lifestyle for the gram as she recently showed bundles of cash and now she decided to share expensive gift items.
She wrote:

"Sharing Christmas gift for my family and friends.

It's Christmas in few days".

Destiny Etiko writes as she flaunts her expensive mansion – “I haven’t slept in it for once”

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 04:30 AM PST

Nollywood actress, Destiny Etiko takes to the photo-sharing app, Instagram to show off her magnificent mansion.

Recall that the actress gifted herself the befitting apartment for her birthday as a way of spicing the celebration.

Taking to her Instagram story, Dramadoll as she is fondly called shared a short clip of the house's exterior alongside a caption that reads:

"Haven't slept in my house for once, work no gree me, but finally am so happy dat am gonna see u soon baby"

Watch video below:

Chike discloses – Why I will never publicize my love life

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 01:55 PM PST

Popular singer, Chike has declared his intention of not making public his romantic affair while stating the reason behind his decision.

Speaking as a guest during 'Clout Talk Concert', the singer stated that he choose to keep it private to avoid unfavourable happenings.

Replying to VJ Adams who asked him if he's in a relationship, he said:

"Would you ask me if I have a girlfriend first? I will never talk about my relationship. Whether there is one or not, it's private. Simply private. Because if e dey, them go scatter am."

Speaking on his passion for music, the 'If You No Love' crooner said:

"I have always loved what I do. Passion was never the issue. But sometimes getting up and doing was the issue. If I don't do it 'hunger fit kill me'.Not that there won't be food for me to eat, but I won't be able to live the kind of life I would love to live. I won't be able to talk to the kind of babes I would love to talk to. The thing about it is that when money enters, love is sweeter."

Janemena under fire for bragging to be the richest twerker – “Na ur husband I just dey pity, ur kayanmata strong”

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 04:00 AM PST

Netizens descend on the popular Instagram dancer, Janemena for describing herself as the sweetest, freshest, cleanest and richest twerker.

These jabs from social media users come after the twerk queen took to her Instagram stories to exalt her hustle while stating that she ought to praise herself if nobody will.

"Sweetest, freshest, cleanest richest twerker ever liveth. If I no hype myself, who go hype me," the married dancer wrote.

See post below:

This assertion however didn't sit well with netizens who blasted her for bragging about such a thing. While some sympathized with her hubby over his silence on his wife's occupation, others asked whether twerking was actually a profession.

Check out some reactions below:

@officialbobbyfredrick wrote:
"Na ur husband I just dey pity, what kind of man allows his legal wife n mother of his kids shamelessly disgracing their marriage to all n sundry…ur kayamata strong my darling"

@talktoosa wrote:
"Is twerking a profession,?"

@Heatherlovesafrobeat wrote:
"Whenever ppl shout on social media how rich they are they usually aren't wealthy at all 😂 just my opinion lmao"

@Iamkingdinero1 wrote:
"Wish sometimes we fit just rest from this social media , the kind unimaginable peace you will get eh you sef go shock"

@Nenen_george wrote:
"So are we still twerking together t o court or is mission aborted?"

Portable splashes millions of naira on new ride

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 03:30 AM PST

Fast-rising music star, Portable has splashed millions of naira to acquire a new car.

It is no longer in doubt that the singer is really making it big in the industry following his recently released 'Zazu Zeh' track that has been dominating the country for about one week.

Taking to Instagram to strike a pose with his newly-acquired whip, he penned an appreciatory note for his benefactors; Olamide Poco Lee and show promoter, Kogbagidi.

He wrote:

"Awon fans ti boo cardi o💨💨💨💨 . Big love and appreciation to my benefactors @olamide @poco_lee , @kogbagidi to showing me to the world . New whip for the road . Coming to shutdown all shows 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Zaaazoooo!"

See the post below:

Maraji gushes over baby bump – “Still can’t believe there’s someone inside”

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 03:00 AM PST

Popular skit maker, Gloria Olorunto, better known as Maraji takes to social media to gush over her growing baby bump.

Recall that congratulations flew in from various corners after the online comedian showed off her protruding belly in a short dance video.

The prospective mother who seems to be enthusiastic about the latest development took to her Instagram story to share a photo of herself alongside a caption that reads:

"I feel like person wey don too chop….still can't believe there is someone inside there."

See the post below:

Maraji came into the limelight due to her hilarious and unique content which never ceases to amuse the public.

Bobrisky heartbroken over Mompha’s public claim – “I came to this world to suffer from friends I show love”

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 02:30 AM PST

Popular lifestyle influencer, Bobrisky Okuneye, expresses heartbreak over the recent outburst between his former associate, Mompha Ismaila.

This comes following Mompha's public claim where he dissociated himself from the crossdresser after being caught in a crossfire between Bobrisky and his former bestie, Tonto Dikeh.

After a series of uncovering of Bob's association with the businessman, the male barbie laments the pain of being publicly rejected by Mompha.

Bobrisky further stated that during the businessman's arrest by the EFCC over alleged fraud and tax evasion, he was the only one who stood for him despite his long list of influential friends.

Watch the video below …

Nollywood Actor, Sam Obiago is dead

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 02:00 AM PST

According to reports, veteran Nollywood actor, Sam Obiago is dead.

The disturbing news about his demise was shared by the Nollywood actress, Destiny Etiko who took to her Instagram page to share a photo of the Nollywood star alongside a caption that depicts sorrow and mourning.

Sam Obiago during his active years was also a filmmaker, TV personality and movie producer.

The actor has featured in lots of Nollywood movies. Sam Obiago hails from Asaba, Delta State in the south southern part of Nigeria. Unfortunately, he has joined the list of actors who gave up the ghost in 2021.

Sharing his photo, Destiny Etiko wrote:

"Nooooooooooo daddy Sam 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"

See post below:

Reality Star Winner, Whitemoney Joins Liberian Senators For His First Plenary Session

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 01:30 AM PST

Popular Reality TV star Oyeze Hazel popularly known Whitemoney has attended his very first plenary session as a Liberian Senator.

We recall that few days ago, the Big Brother Naija Shine Ya Eye winner was honoured as a Liberian Senator by the senate President of the country.

It seems the emblem of authority given to Whitemoney was no fluke as he has now attended an official duty.

The 29-year-old singer was recently spotted in a convoy heading for a Senate meeting alongside some other members of the senate.

After receiving a warm welcome from the people of Liberia, Whitemoney has taken to his Instagram story to appreciate his hosts for their hospitality and for honouring him.

He admitted that he came as a Nigerian but he is leaving the country as a Liberian. He also promised to return in no distant time.

Cynthia Morgan —I Blame My Father For The Setbacks I Got From Jude Okoye, Other Men

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 01:00 AM PST

Nigerian rapper Cynthia Morgan says if she had a father figure in her life, she would have known better before looking up to some men, including her former record label boss, Jude Okoye.

Cynthia Morgan made this disclosure in her latest social media rant, which was triggered by entertainment writer Joey Akan, who accused the rapper of going against her contract with Jude Okoye.

Joey, in his reaction to the trending controversy between 'Zazu Zeh' singer, Portable, and dancer PocoLee, made a belittling statement against Cynthia.

He wrote on twitter; "Same Twitter dragged Jude Okoye when Cynthia Morgan came here to cry crocodile tears. Na then wey everybody magically remember say Cynthia Morgan na generational talent. Person wey scatter contract, leave label, drop songs, then flop hard. This place na just vibes and anger."

This didn't go down well with Cynthia. She headed for her Instagram page to drop some screenshots of how double standard the writer is. The 30-year-old musician, in a series of posts on her Instagram stories, lashed out at her former boss, Jude Okoye, and debunked Joey's claims.

See her posts below.

Mercy Johnson Gets Emotional Over Tribute To Late Rachel Oniga -“She Was A Mother In Every Sense “

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 12:30 AM PST

Some of cast of the Kunle Afolayan's Netflix film A Naija Christmas have paid tribute to Rachel Oniga who acted in the film before she died on July 30. Mercy Johnson, Kunle Remi, Abayomi Alvin, Linda Osifo and Efa Iwara paid tribute to the actress in a video Kunle Afolayan posted on Instagram on Wednesday.

Getting emotional, Mercy Johnson said.

"She is a mum in every way. Few days before she died, I came in late and I went to her and apologise to her because I was late. And she insisted and said being a mom is tough and coming in early and still making it at this time it's fine. It's okay because she like gets it."

"One fun thing about mama, I call her mama Rachel oniga I think that will be the fact that she is also a very fun person. She oozes out good vibes, good energy. I mean for somebody of her age I mean mama would play with you. She would play with you," Abayomi wrote.

"She is absolutely caring and I use the word care because that also leads to the world mother," Linda wrote.
"She was really fun, she is very youthful. She loved to play with us and try to lock in on trends. She is just a sweet mother figure," Efa said.

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